Corneal Errosion

Battling with corneal erosion this week. The Doctors actually had to carve out a chunk of my cornea yesterday. Good news is that it isn't going to cause permanent damage. Bad news? It feels like someone threw sand in my eye, and it will feel like that for a week or so I'm told. I can't work, and typing is a chore as my eyes are super sensitive to the light (and I can only see out of one eye). That, and I can't work or watch after my daughter on my own. Anyhoo, I have a winner on the contest on the previous post(s). When I'm feeling better, I'll wrap that one up. Thanks everybody.
Yikes! Hope you have a quick and full recovery, Brian!
I feel for you, eye pain is the WORST I've had a recurring eye issue that feels exactly as you described, never had it carved out tho, that's nuts. Get well soon, that's your bread and butter!
Ouch! Makes me think of the Goon's pal Frankie's "Knife to the eye!" Glad to hear that you're working again.
thanks. i'm much better now.
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