Tales from the Darkside, and Monsters: the TV Series
I remember watching this series religiously. When I was a prepubescent introverted fanboy (and really the only thing that has changed has been the "prepubescent" part), I would stay up until 1AM on Saturday nights just to watch this show. It was like a horrifying Outer Limits. I never got to watch Tales from the Crypt because we didn't have cable, but this was a fantastic substitute. The Monsters TV series aired directly after Tales from the Darkside. It was a little more campy, but very good as well.
Man, I ache for both of these shows to be released on DVD in season box sets. Bring back any memories for anyone?
Here's one of the first inked pages. There's halos around stuff to make it easier to knock out later during the coloring process. I don't like the halo look, it's a utilitarian necessity.
husband, dad, prime meat, TV dinner, ash tray, barnacle, rotary, bat wings, hamburger helper, two-fer-tuesday, barn owl, push pin, electric nose hair trimmer as seen on TV