Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Pig Destroyer: Terrifyer

This album is a deathgrind masterwork. The title is quite apropos.

3.811182 stars

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Glorior Belli: Manifesting the Raging Beast

This one's a pretty damn good example of good ol' Satanic Black Metal with an old school flavor to it (early Immortal, Dark Throne, Mayhem), sans the lousy production. Stripped down, raw, and with a lot of great, catchy riffing. Quite melodic in parts as well.

3.2 hails

Sigh: Hangman's Hymn

This one is a work of insane genius. Looney Tunes symphony meets Black Metal. Highly recommended.

3.6 hails