Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I, fanboy

This was all I bought at Comicon. I sold some pages and pretty much bought every Claire Wendling book Stuart Ng had in stock (one was even a display copy I convinced them to part with (thanks, Stuart!)).

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hilary Barta

Artistic genius and dear friend, Hilary Barta drew this for me at SDCC. His enormous talent is equally matched by his kind heart and genuine personality. ...and he draws a damn fine zombie.

SDCC '09 Wrap-up

Done and done.

Highlight? Signing issues of Creepy next to Bernie Wrightson.

Thanks to Laura and Chris, Hilary, Shawna, Matt, Phil, Andy and Mark. Salt of the earth, all of you.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

THE ANCHOR cometh this October.

(Cover A: Brian Churilla/Dave Stewart)

THE ANCHOR. Holy warrior, unholy war.

Freak of nature, beast of burden, hulking outcast, medieval prize fighter, Viking raider... God's leg-breaker.
One thousand years ago a hulking outcast sought refuge in the crumbling ruins of an ancient monastery and offered in return the one thing he had to give - his fists. Transformed into an immortal warrior monk standing at the gates of Hell itself to keep our world free from its invading armies, The Anchor is mysteriously tricked into centuries of slumber. But today, this holy warrior rises to battle all the unholy monsters unleashed during his slumber. Cataclysmic action, quirky humor, and profound pathos for fans of HELLBOY and THE GOON. A new BOOM! ongoing series, brought to you by Eisner Award-nominated writer/artist Phil Hester (GREEN ARROW, SWAMP THING, THE COFFIN, FIREBREATHER, THE DARKNESS) and fan-favorite artist Brian Churilla (REX MUNDI, THE ENGINEER, CREEPY).

(Cover B: Rafael Albuquerque)
(Cover C: Brian Churilla/Dave Stewart)

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CBR interview

Click here.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

tease, tease...

Click here.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Indiepulp interview

Click here.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Here is my updated schedule.

Friday, July 24th

9AM-1PM - RED 5 (S-9)

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM - Archaia (#2635)

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM - Creepy Signing @ Dark Horse (#2615) w/myself, Mike Woods, Joe Harris, Neil Kleid, Jason Shawn Alexander, Eric Powell, Dan Braun & Hilary Barta (Booth #2615)

6:00 -7:00 PM - Archaia (#2635)

Saturday, July 25th

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM - Archaia (#2635)

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Red5 (S-9)

5 :00 PM -6:00 PM - Image Comics/Popgun signing w/myself and "The Enigneer" co-creator Jeremy Shepherd (Booth #2729)

Sunday, July 26th

10:00 PM - 12:00 PM Archaia (#2635)

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Red5 (S-9)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Mike O'Meara

Being a cartoonist is, by dint of its nature, a truly solitary endeavor; countless hours are spent alone, grinding it out, making a meager living. Humans are social creatures, and when one spends an inordinate amount of time alone such as I (I mean, look at the url above), they tend to seek out human interaction, no matter how passive the experience may be. The sound of another voice helps the hours go by a bit faster, and the tedium a little less painful. Aside from the watching of countless horror films in the periphery of my vision, I like to listen to the radio, or more precisely, podcasts of radio shows.

I was a fan of the Don and Mike radio show for the better part of a decade until Don left. Mike O'Meara immediately took over and provided an entertaining, thoughtful and hilarious radio show for over a year until recently when the radio station decided to change formats, thus canceling the Mike O'Meara show. Needless to say, I am really, really sad about this. I have no doubt he will land on his feet at another station, but I am reeling from the news nonetheless. Good thing I have thousands of hours of his broadcasts saved on my hard drive.

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Friday, July 17, 2009

SDCC '09

The time has come yet again for the annual pop culture debacle known as Comicon. Can't they take the "comic" out of "Comicon" and just call it "Culturecon"?

Anyway, I'll be sketching/signing/napping at the Red 5 (S-9) booth most of the weekend. I'll have original art for sale at blow-out fire sale prices from my run on Rex Mundi, The Engineer, and of course, We Kill Monsters.

Here are a couple other places you can find me:

Friday, July 24th

5-6 PM - Creepy Signing @ Dark Horse (#2615) w/myself, Mike Woods, Joe Harris, Neil Kleid, Jason Shawn Alexander, Eric Powell, Dan Braun & Hilary Barta (Booth #2615)

Saturday, July 25

5-6 PM - Image Comics/Popgun signing w/myself and "The Enigneer" co-creator Jeremy Shepherd (Booth #2729)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

new moozik

Deathspell Omega - Veritas Diaboli Manet In Aeternum: Chaining The Katechon

Technical dissonant satanic blackmetal. No one is doing it better these days. Sadly, it's only 20 minutes long. Sigh. 5/5 inverted pentagrams.

Job for a Cowboy - Ruination

I ran to Hot Topic and bought some Manic Panic hair dye and a black hoodie after buying this. Pretty good album, though more technical and less catchy then their last efforts. No pig squeals either. I miss the pig squeals. 3.62/5 moshing jocks.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Blood Farm #1

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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Creepy #1 and We Kill Monsters #1 this Wednesday!!!

Show some love and buy a copy (of each, preferably)....

Friday, July 10, 2009

cwazy busy...

Will post stuff soon, promise.